Kemal Akkoyun

Average Software Engineer. FOSS Enthusiast. Too many things to learn. Distributed systems. Observability. Monitoring. Reliability. My stars are bookmarks.



GitHub repositories that I've built.

Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
HTML 1 0
Terraform manifests for my Personal Kubernetes Cluster just to run my blog. Warum nicht?
Personal website
A Drone plugin for caching current workspace files between builds to reduce your build times
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities.
Kubernetes specific configuration for deploying Thanos.
Jsonnet 0 0
Observatorium API
SLO dashboards scraping Prometheus for application performance
"Are you testing your Observability?" Talk presentation
JavaScript 6 1
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
Prometheus remote write benchmarker (acts as a Prometheus sending node_exporter samples)
Prometheus push federation
Demo of the instrumented backend in Go following best practices
simple Prometheus remote-write client
Presentations for given public talks
Continuously replicate Thanos blocks from one object storage to another.
🏆CNCF Community Awards
Yet another go HTTP router wrapper around
Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
Prometheus monitoring for your gRPC Go servers.
Generate Prometheus alerting & recording rules and Grafana dashboards for your SLOs.
Jsonnet 0 0
Prometheus Alertmanager
:symbols: A collection of GitHub issue and pull request templates
Toy project: A Task Sorter API
Elixir 2 1
Personal Terraform module repository
Personal Docker image repository
Simple translation from godoc to markdown.
Create the smallest and secured golang docker image based on scratch
Makefile 0 0
A Rails app which uses Contentful sync API
Ruby 1 0
Terraform declarations for Cluster of Web Servers (Using AWS ASG)
[WIP] Ruby on Rails Starter App, for Personal use cases
Ruby 0 0
You can have your pay as you go personal VPN in minutes! And you can destroy your environment whenever you want!
[WIP] Terraform declarations for Autoscaling Docker Rails Starter
Terraform declarations for Single Web Server (educational purpose)
Personal Configuration Files for OS X
Shell 1 0
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in JavaScript
JavaScript 4 2
Small Application for Minor Personal Use Case
Ruby 1 0
Image Search and download using popular search engines
Python 3 0
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in ruby
Ruby 0 0
Sandboxing Sinatra application for several experiments.
Ruby 0 0
Sandboxing Rails application for several experiments.
Ruby 0 0
Draft/Scaffold Chef recipe for Ruby Rack Applications.
Ruby 2 0
Simple Blog app using React and Redux.
JavaScript 1 0
Simple Weather app using React and Redux.
JavaScript 0 0
Simple Book List Application using React and Redux.
JavaScript 1 0
Draft Blog Application using Phoenix/Elixir.
Elixir 0 0
Sandboxing Rails application for several experiments.
Ruby 3 0
Sandboxing Vanilla React app.
JavaScript 0 0
Rails Tutorial #1 for Demo, part of a teaching session
Ruby 0 0
Rails Tutorial #2 for Demo, part of a teaching session - Scaffolding
Ruby 0 0
Microblogging App Implementation for a talk at Bilgi
Ruby 4 2
Compiler Design
Programming Languages and Interpretations
Racket 2 1
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Racket 1 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - 2
Java 0 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - 1
Java 0 0
Social Network Analysis
Multi-agent Simulation lecture stuff.
CMPE322 Final Project
Java 0 0
Computer Networks
Python 0 0
Sandboxing Simple game with SpriteKit to use in talk.
Objective-C 0 1
Rails Self-Learning Tutorial #3 - Rails in-depth
Ruby 0 0
Django self-teaching sandbox project. An attempt to create a dictionary for twitter.
JavaScript 0 0
Configuration Files of my System
Event application based on Django